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Oklahoma Voices: Corporation Commissioner Election Interviews/Debate (Oct 13, 2008)
The actions of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission touch the lives of every Oklahoman. Whether it's passing along the cost of a new power plant to electrical utility customers or making sure each gasoline pump delivers the right amount of fuel, Corporation Commissioners are charged with regulating a variety of businesses and activities considered essential to the public welfare.

Listen to interviews with the two candidates for a short-term seat on the three-member commission" Dana Murphy and Jim Roth. Murphy is a Republican, a former Corporation Commission administrative law judge, and an attorney in private practice. Roth is the incumbent Democrat appointed by Gov. Brad Henry to fill the seat left vacant by former Commissioner Denise Bode. He is also a former Oklahoma County Commissioner.

KGOU's Kurt Gwartney spoke with each candidate using the same questions. He then put their answers together to make the comparison easier.

We also air a debate between the two candidates that was recorded Oct. 8 on the University of Oklahoma Campus. The recording has been edited for time.

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