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Oklahoma's Newest Congressman Sworn In (Jan 05, 2011)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma's newest congressman is officially on the job.

U.S. Rep. James Lankford was formally sworn into office on Wednesday during a ceremony in Washington, D.C., and cast his vote for newly elected House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio. Republicans picked up 64 House seats in the November elections to take control of the chamber from Democrats.

The 42-year-old Republican from Edmond said his top priority will be reducing government spending and national debt.

Lankford replaces former U.S. Rep. Mary Fallin, who will be sworn in as Oklahoma's governor next week.

Meanwhile, the only Democrat in Oklahoma's congressional delegation did not vote for Nancy Pelosi as speaker.

U.S. Rep. Dan Boren said he cast his vote instead for North Carolina Democrat Heath Shuler, who he described as a "more moderate" choice.

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