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OKC Enacts Mandatory Water Restrictions (Jul 19, 2011)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Mandatory water restrictions are to start again in Oklahoma City and nearby areas. The city's water utility said Tuesday that the restrictions would be put back in place on Wednesday.

Residents and businesses with addresses that end in odd numbers can use sprinklers to water their lawns on odd-numbered calendar days. Those with addresses that end in even numbers can water on even-numbered days.

The Oklahoman reports hand watering is allowed on any day. Residents who draw on well water are not bound by the restrictions.

Also included under the restrictions are Blanchard, Canadian County District 3, Deer Creek Water District, Edmond, El Reno, Lake Aluma, Moore, Mustang, Norman, Piedmont, The Village, Warr Acres and Yukon.

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