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Okla. Supreme Court Tosses Redistricting Challenge (Sep 01, 2011)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - The Oklahoma Supreme Court has tossed out a lawsuit alleging the new state Senate redistricting map is unconstitutional.

In a 9-0 ruling on Thursday, the state's high court ruled the new Senate districts comply with population requirements outlined in the state constitution. The court further suggested that claims of political gerrymandering should be determined at the district court level.

State Sen. Jim Wilson, a term-limited Democrat, claimed in his lawsuit that the new odd-shaped district lines split communities of interest and were gerrymandered by Republicans to protect their political power.

Wilson says he is disappointed in the high court's ruling and that he plans to pursue the case in district court.

Wilson also plans to push forward with a signature-gathering effort to have the new map thrown out.

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