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Federal Judge Denies Tulsa Injuction Request (Mar 16, 2012)

TULSA, Okla. (AP) - A federal judge has denied a request by the Oklahoma attorney general to speed up an injunction hearing on an Indian casino that's under construction in Broken Arrow.

U.S. District Judge Gregory Frizzell on Friday set the hearing for May 2, almost a month later than Attorney General Scott Pruit wanted.

The Kialegee Tribal Town broke ground in December at the site, which drew protests from residents who complain that the casino is too close to area schools.

The Tulsa World reports ( ) the state wanted to have the hearing set for April 11, which Frizzell said wasn't possible for a variety of reasons.

The state claims the tribe bypassed a requirement to get federal approval but the tribe says the step isn't necessary and wants the complaint be dismissed.

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