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OU Creates New Research Prize (Jun 08, 2012)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - The University of Oklahoma has announced the establishment of a cash prize for biomedical research in diabetes.

President David Boren said from Philadelphia Thursday the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center at the University of Oklahoma will award the $250,000 Harold Hamm International Prize and administer it to recognize and promote lasting achievements in diabetes research. Hamm, the Continental Resources CEO, also was on hand for the announcement.

Boren and Hamm both have Type 2 diabetes

The Harold Hamm International Prize will be awarded biennially to a laureate selected by a rotating jury of national and international leaders in the field of diabetes.

It will be given on the basis of scientific merit, with a special emphasis on progress toward a cure.

Individual researchers, teams and research institutions are eligible for nomination.

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